Dr. Lauren Genow
Dr. Lauren Genow is a veterinarian in Tucson, AZ specializing in acupuncture, chiropractic therapy, Chinese herbology, and integrative care for both large and small animals, including exotic species. After graduating from Washington State University College of Veterinary Medicine, she founded Prickly Pear Holistic Veterinary Care and is certified in veterinary acupuncture, (Chi Institute, Reddick, FL), Veterinary Spinal Manipulation Therapy (The Healing Oasis Wellness Center, Sturtevant, WI), and is a member of the College of Animal Chiropractors (CoAC). Before returning to school to pursue veterinary medicine, she worked as a nationally certified American Sign Language Interpreter (RID CI and CT) which highlighted the importance of keeping service and working animals optimally healthy so that they can meet the physical and emotional demands of their work. She is proud to serve as a Retired Paws board member to help ensure that working dogs receive excellent veterinary care, even post-service.